Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Pandemic Recovery Office , Department of Administration

Climate, Public Infrastructure, and Administration

These projects are increasing the capacity of the Port of Davisville to accommodate the offshore wind industry and incentivizing heat pumps for homes and businesses, as well as investing in roads, bridges, public safety infrastructure, and broadband internet.

The funds are providing for the following infrastructure improvements at the Port of Davisville: reconstructing the surface of Pier 1, constructing a new terminal, creating additional cargo laydown space, and creating new access drives and security gates.

The funds are assisting with the emergency repairs required to safely demolish the Washington Bridge westbound and rebuild the bridge.

The program is providing funds to municipalities for the construction or maintenance of roads, sidewalks, and bridges. 

The funds are being used as matching grants for cities and towns with an ongoing or immediate public safety infrastructure need.

The Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority retained a consultant to develop a detailed report on what, if any, suicide deterrent measures are possible on four bridges. 

The program is providing financial incentives to make this efficient heating and cooling technology more accessible and affordable.

The funds are supporting the operating costs of the Pandemic Recovery Office, which serve as the central office for policy coordination and compliance for federal COVID-19 stimulus funds.

The operating grant is aiding the Public Transit Authority’s short-term needs as it conducts an efficiency review of all transit operations and administration to identify opportunities for greater efficiency and cost reduction for future fiscal years.

The Rhode Island Public Transit Authorityoffered a free fare pilot on the R-Line – a route from Pawtucket through Providence that accounts for the system's greatest ridership.

The project paid for a statewide broadband coordinator, built the broadband maps needed to complete the necessary strategic planning, and completed a statewide broadband strategic plan to guide future work.

Table Note

In the above table, "TEC" is the U.S. Treasury Eligibility Category that the Pandemic Recovery Office assigned to each SFRF project. 

  • "Admin" is Administration
  • "NEI" is Negative Economic Impacts
  • "PH" is Public Health
  • "RR" is Revenue Replacement